Dr. Squatch

There’s nothing like a refreshing, hoppy beer with a citrusy splash after a long day. Inspired by a San Diego craft beer favorite, this perfectly brewed bar features IPA and distilled hops with a crisp grapefruit finish.
Whether we're aging whiskey or building awesome dude furniture, we men appreciate some solid oak. This woodsy gem is scented with oak moss to remind you that you need some suds that are as solid and earthy as you are.
Skip the snooze button for this international bar of "Mr. E". Pore-opener, sinus-clearer, and sense-stimulator, the numerous benefits of eucalyptus oil are far from a mystery.
The only thing cooler and fresher than showering with this beautifully designed bar would be taking a birthday suit dip in a natural spring surrounded by nothing but snow-capped mountains and sunshine (which we recommend).
Energize your shower and jump-start your skin with this coffee creation, made with a supercharged blend of shea butter, salt, kaoolin clay and some top-notch coffee beans from Fire Dept. Coffee.
Even the toughest Squatch guys have a soft side. This refreshing blend of rustic cedar wood and zesty orange oils strikes a perfect balance between strength and suppleness.
Whether we're aging whiskey or building awesome dude furniture, we men appreciate some solid oak. This woodsy gem is scented with oak moss to remind you that you need some suds that are as solid and earthy as you are.

Dr. Squatch develops and produces natural, high-performance personal care products specifically designed to meet the demands of men everywhere. The products are made with the best natural ingredients to have you looking, smelling and feeling your best!

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