North Pole Series

Master artisan carefully checks his template before applying striped to the canes!
This elf couple is very happy with their selection of a pre-decorated tree for their tiny elfin home.. They use a sled to carefully transport this beauty home sweet home.
Stop in at the Crayola Art Center to check out the new colors and many projects that the resident elf artist will share. This brightly colored kiosk is shaped like a big green crayon.
Always a stickler for quality control, this elf is testing the sturdiness of each nutcracker -- and this one passes the test! A Department 56 accessory.
The elf on duty at the "FAO Schwarz Toy Emporium" is outfitted with the signature soldier's uniform and standing at attention.
This new residence at the North Pole is the ultimate in upcycling! Norny has turned a shiny red ornament, complete with a signature brass hanger and tag, into his new abode.
Everything about the "North Pole Sisal Tree Factory" says trees are the top, from the trees cut into the shutters, glass on the window, finial on the roof and shape of the front door. Samples outside show several options for styles & colors.
This piece is animated! The crayons rotate around as elves prepare to package them for children all over the world!
Mrs. Claus and all the elves buy their holiday baked goods and the "Gingerbread Bakery" where even the outside of the building looks good enough to eat! The gingerbread walls are piped with thick white "frosting" and striped awnings.
Our little elf carefully mixes the right ingredients while a friend pup waits to lick the spoon!
Up on a ladder, these elves are adding a few sparkles to the new "Norny's Ornament House."
This lovely building features a golden building with a blue shingled roof covered in snow and flowing flags at the top! In the front stands a giant nutcracker and a few boxes of supplies sit on the side of the building!