The Original Snow Village

A handheld auger is creating a hole in the ice. Hope that it's big enough to pull out that big fish he hopes to catch!
This set of three accessories shows two seated and one standing figure, all doing what today's Village Hipsters do -- drink coffee! The seated figures will go perfectly on any of the Department 56 park benches (sold separately).
"Gosh, Dad. We can make our snowman look just like good ol' Charlie Brown!" This father and son share some time creating our favorite Peanuts' character in snow. They have even added his signature yellow and red scarf.
Celebrate the season by toasting the holidays with Wally World mugs.
The building "super" has all the tools he needs to take care of the residents of the building.
This little girl is ready to play outside The Grinch House and pretend her dog is Max.
The family, Ellen, Audrey, and Rusty, wait for the pivotal moment when Clark finally gets the thousands of bulbs on the house to light.
She may have a few screws loose and her fashion sense is a few decades out of style, but all-American Aunt Bethany is a loving family woman who's always eager to share her cooking.
Determined to stand out for the holidays, this eager Villager decorates his Christmas tree with Brite Lites to draw the attention of the entire neighborhood.
Straight from the movie scene, now holding the door knocker and front wreath, the telegram delivery boy brings the fateful news about Clark’s bonus check.
Dinner and a movie date night are just what Santa suggested to relax during the busy Holiday shopping season.
Armed with a chain saw, protected with his hockey mask, Clark is ready to trim the tree.
"Even if you haven't caught a fish, Dad, I've got us a few snacks!" It's a typical father and son out ice fishing for the afternoon and all they caught was a hot dog and some pop corn! And now dad's wallet is empty!
A man sits to take a rest walking his dog. He enjoys a sweet treat from Dairy Queen and shares with his furry best friend.
Capturing the scene with Clark Griswold connecting the extension cords and plugs to light the house.
That pup must be really good to be rewarded with one of Doug's famous donuts as a treat!
This amusing little accessory was inspired by the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. It’s good ol’ Cousin Eddie — in the morning!
A young boy convincing his puppy that they can, indeed, wait 2 more days to get that cone removed. It will be the best Christmas ever!
Whatever it is, the present from the grandchildren will always be grandma's favorite. Or maybe it's the visit itself!
While his family just moved into 1231 Dunn Street, he is wasting no time to build a snow fort from the fresh fallen snow.
This happy youngster hugs a new friend, an FAO Schwarz teddy bear wearing the signature toy soldier uniform.
Holding a tiny kitten, this young girl knows that this is indeed A Purrect Christmas Gift!
With her newly lacquered beehive hairdo in place, this chic young lady is ready for the weekend.
Maybe this is the telephone where Superman changes, or maybe it's reminiscent of Main Street America before the invention of the cell phones. A time when people who were out and about had to put a coin in the slot to make a call.