Featuring products from Evolve - The Christmas Store of New York

This Jim Shore creation features Disney's most beloved alien, Stitch and his love interest, Angel, wearing Santa hats, scarves, and smiles. Having just built an inspired snowman, the pair rotate around their new creation with a gentle touch of the hand.
This train is bound for the woodlands! This adorable birch tree caboose features a charming cabin with lantern and several furry passengers enjoying the ride. A cheerful snowman tips his hat and smiles with his animal friends as train car passes.
With a bell, this lavish Holiday Manor Santa dons regal red robes with enchanting rosemaling details fitted with a belt. His cloak reveals a dazzling floral scene framed with delightful patterning. With a smile, this Jim Shore Santa rings in the holiday.
This White Woodland themed nativity ornament features the holy family in enchanting natural fashion. Under a creche made of birch wood trees, new parents cooing over baby Jesus in ornate white robes. Stylish details grace this 2023 dated ornament.
The story of the Grinch has been delighting children and adults alike since 1957. Celebrate another year with everyone's favorite Christmas curmudgeon with this characteristic Grinch ornament by Jim Shore. It's a perfect addition to any tree.
No one knows gnomes quite like Jim Shore! This Irish gnome is the newest addition in the ever expanding collection of the large hat wearing guardians. Donning a red beard, this gnome carried a staff and wears a clover in his hat for luck.