The Original Snow Village

Cousin Eddie has fallen on hard times and his beloved bait shop is now up for sale. This is a great addition to the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Snow Village Collection.
While his family just moved into 1231 Dunn Street, he is wasting no time to build a snow fort from the fresh fallen snow.
This set of three accessories shows two seated and one standing figure, all doing what today's Village Hipsters do -- drink coffee! The seated figures will go perfectly on any of the Department 56 park benches (sold separately).
A young boy convincing his puppy that they can, indeed, wait 2 more days to get that cone removed. It will be the best Christmas ever!
Holding a tiny kitten, this young girl knows that this is indeed A Purrect Christmas Gift!
Even the best planned run can create a disaster for Clark Griswold! Look out Clark, there's a dumpster ahead! Clark takes a flying leap as the cardboard Santa looks on and chuckles.