North Pole Series

Always ready to help, these elves are doing a little tasting and grape stomping!
Add a tower that is shaped like a pot of hot chocolate to bring warmth to your village collection.
This elf couple is very happy with their selection of a pre-decorated tree for their tiny elfin home.. They use a sled to carefully transport this beauty home sweet home.
A soft ball of yarn and a kitten, what could be cuter? This elf may be teasing this little grey kitten, but there's always time for play at the North Pole.
Kris Kringle has just opened a store where all the different Christmas tree styles are beautifully displayed. He is especially fond of the silver tinsel tree featured in the window. The gallery features a bright red exterior and hanging sign.
With shears in hand, this crafty elf is ready to give this sisal tree the perfect shape.
A part of the North Pole Collection, inspired by magic and charming legends. Here at the North Pole, the elves have opened a special shop for all those Mouse Ears offered around the world. Hand-crafted & hand-painted porcelain lit building.
Santa needs a special shop to make and stuff his famous Disney plush toys! A giant Mickey plush toy oversees the operation where elves cheerfully sew millions of Mickey, Minnie, Donald and all the happy Disney characters with soft plush stuffing!
Our little elf carefully mixes the right ingredients while a friend pup waits to lick the spoon!
Finny's pet Nanook stays warm and cozy in his own ornament house, This accessory for the North Pole was designed to accompany Finny's Ornament House.
This new residence at the North Pole is the ultimate in upcycling! Norny has turned a shiny red ornament, complete with a signature brass hanger and tag, into his new abode.
This lovely building features a golden building with a blue shingled roof covered in snow and flowing flags at the top! In the front stands a giant nutcracker and a few boxes of supplies sit on the side of the building!