North Pole Series

Up on a ladder, these elves are adding a few sparkles to the new "Norny's Ornament House."
Kris Kringle has just opened a store where all the different Christmas tree styles are beautifully displayed. He is especially fond of the silver tinsel tree featured in the window. The gallery features a bright red exterior and hanging sign.
This elf has stuffed the Pluto stuffed animal with just the right amount of soft stuffing. Now it's ready to be taken home and hugged by one lucky girl or boy!
Technology is helping our elves make quick work of labeling each crayon with a special label. Each is named with a unique color and name which makes coloring so much fun!
Add a tower that is shaped like a pot of hot chocolate to bring warmth to your village collection.
A soft ball of yarn and a kitten, what could be cuter? This elf may be teasing this little grey kitten, but there's always time for play at the North Pole.
Get the best pizza in the North Pole from these two pizza chefs! This figure features two little elves with white beards both making a pizza! One spreads toppings on one and the other is tossing a pizza in mid air!
Always ready to help, these elves are doing a little tasting and grape stomping!
Only the best toys can be purchased here at the North Pole FAO Schwarz Toy Emporium. The piece features the iconic FAO Schwarz clock face on the front of the building.
The Crayola elf's main job is to keep all the crayons sharp and ready to use!
The head baker has two large sacks of flour slung over his shoulders, wonder what goodies he will bake today?
We're not sure what she has packed, but Mrs. Elf seems prepared for any occasion while staying at the "Pine Cone B & B".
Tucked away in a quiet woods is the "Pine Cone B & B", the perfect place for the elves to get away and relax after a long season of toy making.
With shears in hand, this crafty elf is ready to give this sisal tree the perfect shape.
Quilts are for kids and kids are for quilts! Whether they use them for snuggling up or a game of "toss the elf in the air", quilts are found in every elf home.